Pressurisation solutions for evacuation routes in the event of a fire
Pressurisation systems ensure evacuation routes and prevent smoke from entering through air overpressure. In the event of a door opening or an air leak, the system reacts by increasing the air flow rate, so that the routes are always free of smoke in an emergency situation. Corridors, staircases, lifts and lobbies are considered evacuation routes.
Designed in accordance with STANDARD 12101-6.
Automatic opening
Their air inlet damper opens automatically.
They detect smoke in the air inlet.
They ensure visibility in the fire zone.
They allow the safe evacuation of occupants.
They facilitate access for fire fighters.
SODECA pressurisation solutions offers different types of equipment to satisfy all installation needs.
To select the most suitable equipment, it is important to have previously defined how the outside air is going to be suctioned and supplied to the pressurised area and follow the recommendations provided below:
Intake of outside air
To ensure that the air entering the pressurization system is clean, the outdoor air inlet must be located far from areas with a risk of fire. If the installation is on the roof, two air inlets must be installed in different directions, each equipped with motorized dampers and smoke detectors. If the installation is on the ground floor, only one air inlet with the same characteristics is required.
Joint pressurisation of all lobbies
In buildings with few floors or lobbies with few air leaks, it may be suitable to pressurize all the lobbies together (while respecting compartmentalization), regardless of the floor where a fire is located, using a pressurisation kit that is separate from the one for the staircase.
Individual pressurisation of lobbies
In buildings with many floors or lobbies with air leaks into the lift shafts, it is more efficient to design a system that pressurizes only the lobby of the floor where a fire occurs, in addition to the staircase.
High-rise buildings
In high buildings, it is important to consider the pressure difference between the interior and exterior of the building, which can generate stratification in the height of the staircase. These differential pressures can cause air leaks from occupied areas towards evacuation routes and vice versa.
Pressurisation air exhaust
The SODECA SCDLM-MA o SCDLS-MA smoke control dampers are used in overpressure systems to allow a way for air to exhaust from the floor where a fire is located. These dampers can be used in combination with vertical ducts that connect all the floors of a building.
Tunnel evacuation galleries
Tunnel safety depends, to a large extent, on evacuation routes, which must be designed according to the specific construction characteristics of each tunnel. The pressurisation systems of evacuation galleries in tunnels have specific requirements that differ according to the configuration of each tunnel.

Evacuation staircases in railway or highway tunnels

Auxiliary evacuation galleries in railway or highway tunnels

Interconnecting galleries of dual-tube tunnels